What is included with a course?

Class sizes vary from 7 - 15 students. However, for each of the courses, you receive one-on-one instruction, guidance and counsel from an actual law enforcement officer, with several advanced certifications in areas such as Law Enforcement Training and Field Training. One of the best items you receive in each block is a thumb drive full of easy-to-follow checklists as well as templates for your resume, personal history statement, cover letters and more. Each student also receives a quality folder separated into specific sections for building their professional portfolios — an essential element of Blocks I, II and III.  All police students may receive a discounted copy of the TacBook - Field guide for police. See TacBookUSA.com.

do I get a certificate or college credit?

We are not a college and we don't claim to be. If you want someone to lecture at you, that is not IPR. IPR is a condensed career preparation program with an instructional curriculum customized specifically for our students as they progress towards their specific job within the public or private safety sector. You WILL receive official course certificates detailing your completed hours. These certificates will greatly enhance your professional portfolio and resume, and thus your competitiveness in the hiring process.

do i have take block I before block II?

We highly recommend you take Block I before Block II, and both of these before Block III or supplemental courses such as Patrol Procedures. Each block is chalk-full of information condensed into a seamless progression. If you skip steps, there may be some problematic gaps in the very foundation of your career path. However, we are flexible and always willing to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Contact IPRSafety@gmail.com.


where are the courses held?

Our courses are all held within the Denver Metropolitan area. Due to logistical and safety concerns, IPR does not publicize the exact training location on the website. The lead IPR instructor is a current law enforcement officer. This type of safety consideration for public safety professionals is detailed and emphasized throughout the IPR curriculum; we have to protect ourselves in order to protect others. Also, the training venues tend to change their rates; in order to keep the costs down for our students and maximize their comfort we select only quality training venues at economically-sound rates.

what if i have to miss a class?

In order to maintain standards, and in the interest of fairness, IPR strongly encourages students to uphold their commitments to the training sessions by arriving a few minutes early and prepared for the course. However, we understand that FAMILY comes first, and of course we understand emergencies occur, because that is our line of work. We ask you give us as much advanced notice as you can if you are going to miss a session, and we will try to accommodate make-up sessions.

What gear will i need?

You don’t need to bring any gear to your sessions. However, Police Gear is one important topic we cover in Blocks I, II and III. We detail what gear will be required, what is essential, and what is just handy to have. The public safety equipment industry is enormous. Having some expert consultation from IPR on what gear to acquire is vital. We’ll also help you save money by avoiding unnecessary gear-overload, and discuss what gear is normally issued by the departments. Additionally, we discuss proper ways to prepare and donn the uniform and the “basic loads” that go with it.