
Did you know you can make $93,000 STARTING SALARY as a police trainee? Check out San Mateo Police Department’s recent vacancy announcement! Thousands of cops, firefighters and other safety professionals in California are making over $100K salary.

Did you know that a COLLEGE DEGREE IS NOT REQUIRED for many of these positions?  Yes, that means that as long as you meet the basic qualifications, (age, lack of criminal history, driver license, etc.) you will be eligible to apply.

In what other fields can you make such great salary and benefits with NO COLLEGE DEGREE?

As you may imagine, that kind of opportunity draws some SIGNIFICANT COMPETITION. In our assessment, there are so many specific ways to get ahead, GAIN AN ADVANTAGE and distinguish yourself from the masses of applicants.

Without some assistance from people currently serving in the industry, getting in can be a tough feat.  Join us, and WE’L SHOW YOU THE WAY. Check out our courses and get started!

IPR’s curriculum is organized into a seamless process of:

* Determine IF public safety is a good idea for you;

* Narrowing down the BEST JOB FOR YOU;

* Navigating the APPLICATIONS process;

* Excelling in the HIRING process.

Hundreds of men and women in uniform can describe their trials and tribulations of getting into the business. A large percentage of public safety professionals did not get in on their first attempts, and it took several tries for many of them. The majority of applicants are NOT SELECTED.

AVOID THE MISTAKES of those who have gone before you. LEARN FROM THEIR LESSONS.  Make sure the job is right for you before investing thousands of dollars into a full course load at a university or college program.  Accept the EXPERT GUIDANCE from IPR and ready yourself for an adventure of a lifetime. There is never a shortage on supply of emergencies.

As our motto states in Latin: “mentem, corpori, spiritum” ... We, promote strength in MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. Register today and let’s do this!

There is never a shortage on supply of emergencies.